Source code for phot_class.simulation.sncosmo_sims

# !/usr/bin/env python3.7
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

"""Generates light-curves using sncosmo and write models results to file."""

import numpy as np
import sncosmo
from astropy.cosmology import FlatLambdaCDM
from astropy.table import Table
from numpy.random import multivariate_normal

AVG_COLOR = 0.557
COVARIANCE = ((0.096 ** 2, -0.0110263), (-0.0110263, 0.175 ** 2))

[docs]def bg_stretch_color( size, avg_color=AVG_COLOR, avg_stretch=AVG_STRETCH, covariance=COVARIANCE, min_stretch=0.65, max_stretch=1.25, min_color=0, max_color=1): """Return random arrays for 91bg stretch and color Args: size (int): Number of stretches / colors to return avg_color (float): Average color value avg_stretch (float): Average stretch value covariance (float): Covariance matrix for stretch / color min_stretch (float): Minimum stretch to return max_stretch (float): Maximum stretch to return min_color (float): Minimum color to return max_color (float): Maximum color to return Returns: An array of stretch values An array of color values """ size = int(size) # Simulate stretch and color. Then check if any are out of our model bounds # and replace out of bound values with new values x1, c, out_of_bounds = np.ones(size), np.ones(size), np.full(size, True) while sum(out_of_bounds): x1[out_of_bounds], c[out_of_bounds] = multivariate_normal( mean=[avg_stretch, avg_color], cov=covariance, size=sum(out_of_bounds)).T out_of_bounds = ~( (min_stretch < x1) & (x1 < max_stretch) & (min_color < c) & (c < max_color) ) return x1, c
[docs]def sim_bg_params( zmin, zmax, tmin, tmax, area=1., ratefunc=None, cosmo=None, **kwargs): """Simulate parameters for "observed" 91bg light curves Args: zmin (float): Minimum redshift value zmax (float): Maximum redshift value tmin (float): Minimum observation time in days tmax (float): Maximum observation time in days area (float): Sky area in deg2 to simulate. Determines number of SNe. ratefunc (callable): A callable that accepts a single float (redshift) and returns the comoving volumetric rate at each redshift in units of yr^-1 Mpc^-3. The default is a function that returns ``1.e-4``. cosmo (Cosmology): The cosmology used to determine volume. The default is a FlatLambdaCDM cosmology with ``Om0=0.3``, ``H0=70.0``. Any other kwargs for ``bg_stretch_color`` except ``size`` Returns: A list of dictionaries with model parameters for each light-curve """ ratefunc = ratefunc or (lambda z: 1.e-4) cosmo = cosmo or FlatLambdaCDM(H0=70.0, Om0=0.3) # Generated redshifts includes SN rate so we base the number of SNe off z redshifts = list( sncosmo.zdist(zmin, zmax, (tmax - tmin), area, ratefunc, cosmo)) peakmjd = np.random.uniform(tmin, tmax, len(redshifts)) stretch, color = bg_stretch_color(len(redshifts), **kwargs) # Following the design of sncosmo, we return data into a list of dicts param_iter = zip(redshifts, peakmjd, stretch, color) return [{'z': z, 'amplitude': 1e-14, 't0': t0, 'x1': x1, 'c': c} for z, t0, x1, c in param_iter]
[docs]def generate_lc(model, phase_range, model_params): """Generate light curves in SDSS band passes This is a very simple simulation that assumes observations are performed simultaneously at each epoch with a gain of one and zero sky noise. Simulations use SDSS band-passes Args: model (Model): The model to be used phase_range (tuple): Phase range to simulate light-curves over model_params (list): List of model parameters for each light-curve """ light_curves_out = [] for i, params_dict in enumerate(model_params): time = 5 * (params_dict['t0'] + np.arange(*phase_range).tolist()) bands = np.concatenate( [np.full(len(time) // 5, 'sdss' + band) for band in 'ugriz'] ) table_length = len(time) observations = Table( {'time': time, 'band': bands, 'gain': np.full(table_length, 1.0), 'skynoise': np.zeros(table_length), 'zp': np.full(table_length, 27.5), 'zpsys': np.full(table_length, 'ab')}) light_curve = sncosmo.realize_lcs(observations, model, [params_dict])[0] light_curve.meta.update(params_dict) light_curves_out.append(light_curve) return light_curves_out