phot_class (Package Overview)

The phot_class package applies the photometric fitting technique from González-Gaitan et al. 2014 to identify peculiar Type Ia Supernovae (SNe Ia). It provides multiple light curve fitting routines, various utilities for parsing and manipulating data, and functions for tabulating fitting and classification results for an entire photometric survey. For usage examples, please see the individual documentation of each module.


Module Name Description
classification Tabulates light-curve fits for a given survey and determines the corresponding classification coordinates.
fit_func_wraps Provides wrapped versions of sncosmo minimization routines to address bugs.
fitting Runs a series of fits on individual light-curves and tabulates the results.
fom Calculates the Figure of Merit (FOM) parameter.
models Defines custom Source classes for modeling supernovae with sncosmo.
simulation Simulates light-curves using sncosmo.
spectra tabulates the properties of spectral features.
utils A collection of general utilities.