Source code for phot_class.classification

#!/usr/bin/env python3.7
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

"""The ``classification`` module tabulates light-curve fits for a given survey
and determines the corresponding classification coordinates:

.. math::

    x = \chi^2_{blue}(Ia) - \chi^2_{blue}(91bg)

.. math::

    y = \chi^2_{red}(Ia) - \chi^2_{red}(91bg)

Function Documentation

from copy import deepcopy
from functools import partial
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
from astropy.table import Table, vstack

from . import fitting
from . import utils

def _get_fitting_func(fitting_method, band_names=None, lambda_eff=None):
    """Get the correct fitting function to match the described fittingmethod

        fitting_method (str): Desired fitting method ('band' or 'collective')

        A callable from the ``fitting`` module

    if fitting_method.lower() == 'band':
        return fitting.run_band_fits

    elif fitting_method.lower() == 'collective':
        return partial(fitting.run_collective_fits,

        raise ValueError(
            f"Fitting method should be 'band' "
            f"or 'collective' not {fitting_method}")

[docs]def tabulate_fit_results( data_iter, band_names, lambda_eff, fit_func, fitting_method='band', config=None, out_path=None): """Tabulate fit results for a collection of data tables Results already written to out_path are skipped. Args: data_iter (iter): Iterable of photometric data for different SN band_names (list): Name of bands included in ``data_iter`` lambda_eff (list): Effective wavelength for bands in ``band_names`` fit_func (func): Function to use to run fits config (dict): Specifies priors / kwargs for fitting each model out_path (str): Optionally cache results to file Returns: An astropy table with fit results """ # Set default kwargs config = deepcopy(config) or dict() fitting_func = _get_fitting_func(fitting_method, band_names, lambda_eff) # Add meta_data to output table meta data if Path(out_path).exists(): out_table = else: out_table = Table(names=['obj_id', 'message'], dtype=['U20', 'U10000']) out_table.meta['band_names'] = band_names out_table.meta['lambda_eff'] = lambda_eff out_table.meta['fit_func'] = fit_func.__name__ out_table.meta['out_path'] = str(out_path) for data in data_iter: # Get fitting priors and kwargs obj_id = data.meta['obj_id'] if obj_id in out_table['obj_id']: continue salt2_prior, salt2_kwargs, sn91bg_prior, sn91bg_kwargs = \ utils.parse_config_dict(obj_id, config) try: fit_results = fitting_func( obj_id=obj_id, data=data, fit_func=fit_func, priors_hs=salt2_prior, priors_bg=sn91bg_prior, kwargs_hs=salt2_kwargs, kwargs_bg=sn91bg_kwargs ) out_table = vstack([out_table, fit_results]) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except Exception as e: out_table.add_row({ 'obj_id': obj_id, 'message': str(e).replace('\n', '') }) if out_path: out_table.write(out_path) return out_table
# noinspection PyPep8
[docs]def classify_targets( fits_table, band_names=None, lambda_eff=None, out_path=None): """Tabulate fitting coordinates for SNe based on their fit results See the ``create_empty_table`` function for the assumed input table format. If ``band_names`` or ``lambda_eff`` are not given, they are taken from ``fits_table.meta``. Any targets having one or more fits with the string 'failed' in the message are skipped (case insensitive). Args: fits_table (Table): A table of fit results band_names (list): List of band names used when fitting lambda_eff (list): The effective wavelength of each band in angstroms out_path (str): Optionally write results to file Returns: An astropy table of fitting coordinates """ if band_names is None or lambda_eff is None: band_names = fits_table.meta['band_names'] lambda_eff = fits_table.meta['lambda_eff'] # Keep only objects that don't have failed fits in any band fits_df = fits_table.to_pandas() failed_fits = fits_df['message'].str.lower().str.contains('failed') failed_ids = fits_df[failed_fits].obj_id.unique() good_fits = fits_df[~fits_df.obj_id.isin(failed_ids)] good_fits.set_index(['obj_id', 'source'], inplace=True) out_table = Table(names=['obj_id', 'x', 'y'], dtype=['U100', float, float]) for obj_id in good_fits.index.unique(level='obj_id'): try: hsiao_data = good_fits.loc[obj_id, 'hsiao_x1'] redshift = hsiao_data[hsiao_data['band'] == 'all']['z'][0] blue_bands, red_bands = utils.split_bands( band_names, lambda_eff, redshift) blue_bands = np.concatenate([blue_bands, ['blue']]) red_bands = np.concatenate([red_bands, ['red']]) hsiao_blue = hsiao_data[hsiao_data['band'].isin(blue_bands)] hsiao_red = hsiao_data[hsiao_data['band'].isin(red_bands)] hsiao_blue_chisq = hsiao_blue['chisq'].sum() / hsiao_blue['ndof'].sum() hsiao_red_chisq = hsiao_red['chisq'].sum() / hsiao_red['ndof'].sum() sn91bg_data = good_fits.loc[obj_id, 'sn91bg'] sn91bg_blue = sn91bg_data[sn91bg_data['band'].isin(blue_bands)] sn91bg_red = sn91bg_data[sn91bg_data['band'].isin(red_bands)] sn91bg_blue_chisq = sn91bg_blue['chisq'].sum() / sn91bg_blue['ndof'].sum() sn91bg_red_chisq = sn91bg_red['chisq'].sum() / sn91bg_red['ndof'].sum() except KeyError: continue else: x = hsiao_blue_chisq - sn91bg_blue_chisq y = hsiao_red_chisq - sn91bg_red_chisq out_table.add_row([obj_id, x, y]) if out_path: out_table.write(out_path) return out_table